Aqiqah law and its primacy in Islam

Mutiara Islam - Aqiqah a more noble symbols of the great and very popular among Muslims in various parts of the globe. Noble Shari'a is not foreign to them. For aqiqah is sunnah Mubarakah the full blessing that serve as syi'ar Islam throughout the world.

In a sense, almost every day there are new-born baby among Muslims, namely the wombs of Muslim women had a baby the laws of Islam after his birth. Among these are the law aqiqah for the baby, baby beloved and dearest soul's desires.

Do Aqiqah It?
In language, aqiqah means cutting or qath'u. And in terms syar'i, means the animals slaughtered after birth as a form of gratitude to Allah Subhaanahu parents wa ta'ala.

Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"The newborn child should diaqiqahi. Alirkanlah blood of goats destined for slaughter, and please remove all the dirt from her. "(Hadith History of al-Bukhari)

Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"Children born mortgaged to aqiqahnya animals, which disembelihkan him on the seventh day, also had her head shaved and given a name." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi)

The definition of "spout" as stated by Imam Ahmad is: "Baby deterred from giving intercessor for both parents due tertunaikan aqiqah yet."

law Aqiqah

The majority of scholars have argued that the law is sunnah mu'akkadah aqiqah namely emphasized. It is based on the advice and actions, he shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"If any of you want to slaughter because of the birth of a baby, or 'aqiqah for his son, then let him do, to a baby boy two goats and equal to a baby girl one tail only." (Hadith history of an-Nasai, Abu Dawud and Ahmad)

Based on this hadith, then the law aqiqah is not required. Because, in his saying Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam freedom to choose fulfill aqiqah or not.

Type Animals to Aqiqah

For families who want to fulfill aqiqah Muslim, should know that the types of animals to be used for the slaughter aqiqah not allowed except goats. Thus the goat can not be replaced, either with cows and camels. Although the two animals have greater benefits and a more expensive price of a goat.

The scholars rests with authentic hadiths stating that the types of animals for slaughter as syi'ar aqiqah is a goat.

As for the number of animals slaughtered for aqiqah for baby boys is two goats and a baby girl one goat. It is based on the hadiths of the following:

First, the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"For a baby boy slaughtered two goats were similar and the baby girl just one tail." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi and Ahmad)

Second, from Umm Kurz, he once asked the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam about aqiqah, then he said:

"For a baby boy slaughtered two goats and a baby girl for a tail. And why not for you if the goats male or female. "(Hadith Reported by Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi)

Numbers in the hadiths earlier is the ideal number, but if the parents do not get it, then allowed to mengaqiqahi baby boy with a goat.

It is based on the hadith narrated by Ibn 'Abbas rodhiyallohu' anhu which states that:

"Indeed Rosululloh beraqiqah for al-Hasan and al-Husayn each with one goat." (Abu Dawud Hadith History)

Textual this hadith shows that may beraqiqah with one goat for a baby boy.

Time slaughter aqiqah

Aqiqah time to slaughter is on the seventh day, as the hadith narrated by Samurah bin Jundab of Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

"Children born mortgaged to aqiqahnya animals, which disembelihkan him on the seventh day, also had her head shaved and given a name." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i)

Similarly, as shown in the hadeeth of 'Amr bin Shoaib rodhiyallohu' anhu of a father from his grandfather:

That the Prophet ordered to give a name for the child who was born on the seventh day of his birth, removes impurities from it and mengaqiqahinya. "(Hadith History at-Tirmidhi)

Rests of the hadith mentioned above, the slaughter of animals aqiqah held on the seventh day of his birth.

If the seventh day of the escape or missed, then some scholars allow anyone on the fourteenth day. And when the fourteenth day also missed, then on day twenty-one.

Shollallohu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"Aqiqah slaughtered on the seventh day, or the fourteenth day, or twenty-first day." (Hadith al-Baihaiqi History)

When on day twenty-one was spared, it is permissible for him beraqiqah on days thereafter, although a month or a few months or a year or several years thereafter until puberty is not based on ability and spaciousness sustenance which Allah has blessed him Subhaanahu wa ta'ala.

If a person is unable to mengaqiqahi her it is permissible for others, either from relatives or not to deal with the slaughter aqiqah. The evidence is the word of the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam:

"Children born mortgaged to animals aqiqahnya, disembelihkan him on the seventh day, his head shaved and given a name." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i)

According to ash-Syaukani, the purpose of "... disembelihkan him ...", a proposition allowing for other people care for slaughter aqiqah as the permissibility of relatives taking care of relatives and someone take care of him. It is also based on the actions of the Prophet who had mengaqiqahi two grandchildren, al-Hasan and al-Husayn.

Ust. Deden Wahyudin, Lc.

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