Adab-adab For Teachers and Students In Learning

Mutiara Islam - Here are some adab-adab for teachers and pupils taught by Islam in taking the learning process. So when the teachers and students keep adab-adabnya Insha Allah will create educational atmosphere blessed and tersampaikannya useful knowledge.

1. Adab-adab For Teachers

A Muslim teacher-adab adab should pay attention to the following, for it to become a good and successful teacher. That is:

First, Define days of learning, if it has been determined and the teacher had already approved, it is not feasible for him late, not attending and had reneged unless there are justifiable in Personality 'as ill and others.

Second, a teacher must be humble or tawadu to its pupils and maintain her honor.

Third, if Fear said about the law of God without being based in science, this act is paralleled by God to shirk.

Fourth, A teacher should be able to classify the students and tried to equate their level of understanding.

Fifth, end a comment conclusion at the end of learning.

Sixth, Focusing on lessons before additional explanations and comments.

Seventh, if a teacher is not yet at the level of ability to reinforce an opinion, then he does not mentarjih hendakalah a penadapat, but encouraged him to express an opinion or scholars say that so and so berfatwa like this.

Eighth, Steer read boring way, which is why the scholars prioritizes reader slowly and speak clearly.

Ninth, provide rest periods during the learning.

Tenth, Define special time to receive guests.

Eleventh, A teacher should be precious to her students.

2. Adab-adab Pupil In Attend Lessons And Halaqah

First, the person who would attend the science council should improve its appearance and its preparation, even revealing: One must pay attention to him and beautifies his personal appearance in front of others; she had a bath, combed his hair and beard, turban and fix her clothing, wear perfume, cleansing his teeth and wearing clean clothes and let him look at himself in a mirror before leaving to attend halaqah science.

Second, walk calmly and say hello to people he met.

Third, Sitting close to the sheikh and pointed with his hands while on his side or gesturing with his eyes.
Fourth, not stepping over the shoulders of others, but to sit at a place he stopped walking toward the majlis unless sheikh allowed him to go forward.

Fifth, Do not wake the person who was sitting in his own place, nor sits in the middle of the majlis, or sitting between two friends except with his permission.

Sixth, Using subtle expression when talking, and let him berakhlaq good to friends and companions in the halaqah. Rasulullah solollohu'alaihi wasallam said:

وخالق الناس بخلق حسن

"Bergaulah with your brothers fellow man with good manners". (HR. At-Tirmidhi and he said Hasan Sahih Hadith).

Seventh, Preferably to hold majlis science at the mosque, but if it can not be held in mosques, can be held at home.

Eighth, Making Qibla direction as the benchmark for enabling and let halaqah held circular; Therefore the linguists at about halakah when defining them say: Association group of people in a place in a circle.

Ninth, why not for a teacher to sit on a higher place at a time when many people are present.

Tenth, Opening lesson by reading a two-sentence syahadah and reading prayers to the Prophet solollohu'alaihi wasallam, told that the most prominent scholars of hadith open majlisnya by reading a letter from the Quran.

Eleventh, Pray for his shaykh to be given mercy, refused gibah the majlis happened to the teacher limited ability, but if not capable then let him leave the majlis.

Twelfth, Let a sheikh explained the meaning of the word is unclear and unfamiliar as it passes through the word, and being silent on the words that are not passed and are not able to explain something that is not perceived by the layman.

Thirteenth, A teacher is required to not bore those present in majlisnya nor rebuke them, and why if he closes his majlis with tales are funny and strange when he sees his students getting bored, even some people say: Stories are ropes that can be used to hunt down the liver.

Fourteenth, not forgetting kaffaratul prayer ceremony at the end of the lesson.

Fifteenth, Leaving the debate, arguing and useless talks while in halaqah.

Sixteenth, not being arrogant towards others while gathering the poor.

Seventeenth, Listen to the hadith of the Prophet peace and humility '.

Eighteenth, A sheikh should tawadu or humble in front of his students.

Salaf Some people do not like it if students pursue a sheikh and kissed his head.

Nineteenth, Providing motivation sincerity to students who are in halaqah science.

Twentieth, Heard and do not concern themselves with anything when the lesson.

Twenty-one, not hung up when the sheikh was explained.

The twenty two, Organize, regulate and divide the class schedule based on days of the week. Ibn Mas'ud Allaah anhu haidits give lessons on Thursdays, Ibn Abbas started his studies with the interpretation and hadith, fiqh then, after that last sya'ir ...

The twenty three, not to make a smaller person as a leader, and it is advisable to encourage the students to always Ikhlash, we are told that someone competing in science in a majlis science, then sheikh commented: If it is done for God then your soul is clean, but if for but God meant you were hurt.

The twenty four, a teacher should encourage students to do better when the learning takes place, Ibn Mas'ud said: ((I testify to God, do not let people decide silaturrahmi be with us, because we want to pray and wish to be granted an application)).

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