Tips for Keeping Time To Not Futile

Mutiara Islam - If people are very empathetic to the property, so keep and use it, and he knows that the treasure would come and go, then he should pay attention to the time and utilize entirely on what will benefit him in religion and their world, because what we will get back to him from goodness and happiness will be greater, especially if he knows that what he has gone from him will not be back.

History of the righteous always very attentive to his time; because they are the ones most aware of its value, they are keeping up with the fact that did not pass a single day or moment from the time, although very short, without adding to her useful knowledge, good deeds, against lust or for the benefit of others, Al-Hasan said: I have found very few people keep time exceeds the guard you against the dirham and the dinar you have.

Among the duties of a Muslim towards his time is arranged agenda that will be done, both with regard to religion or profane, so that others did not have overcome others, and some are not important beats are important.

One devout say: four times a servant and no one fifth of it: delicious, temptation, obediently and immoral. To God for you, at any time of it you have set aside for worship conducted by legal rights as Rububiyyah: when he uses his time to obedience, then he must believe that it is a gift from God that has given him guidance and give him ease implement compliance , when he menadapat pleasure then the course is grateful, whoever is using the time to disobedience then the course is to repent and ask for forgiveness, and anyone who menadpat ordeal then the course is the pleasure and patience.

Leisure time is a pleasure that is neglected by most people, so that we see them in a state does not fulfill his gratitude nor appreciate the truth. From Ibn Abbas: that the Prophet solollohualaohi wasallam said:

نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ

"Two favors that most humans fooled him: health and free time" (HR. Bukhari)

Said one of the righteous: the empty time away from work is an enormous pleasure, so that when a servant mengkufuri this favor by opening himself to the door of lust and falling in lust, God will turn the pleasure of his heart, and took what he found of probity.

A reasonable person should occupy his free time with kindness, and if not then favors his free will turn out to be disastrous against him.

Tips for Keeping Time

So someone can keep time properly, should he perform some of the following tips:

First: Muhasabah self, self muhasabah including the most important intermediaries who can help Muslims to use his time in obedience to God. Therefore hisablah yourself, O Muslim brother and ask him what he had done on the day he'd been through?

Second: Educate the soul on high expectations, whoever accustom himself to always rely on those cases that the high and away from humility, he would be the most to maintain the use of his time, and the highest expectations are met with a Muslim Allah in heavenly his later.

Third: make friends with those who keep time, because the real friends and hang out with them, and tried to approach and followed it will allow you to use that time, is also bracing itself in the use of age to obedience to God.

Fourth: knowing the circumstances of the Salaf with time, because they are the best people who understand the worth of time and the benefit of age, they are the best example in utilizing every minute of age and utilize every breath in obedience to God.

Fifth: Varying what is used from time to time, because this soul according to her temperament is quickly bored and always shy away from anything that is repeated. Diversifying their work will help the soul in utilizing the greatest possible portion of the time.

Sixth: Understand that what is past of the time will not be back, nor can be replaced, Al-Hasan said: "There is not a single day that passes from the children of Adam except he will say: O son of Adam, I was a new day and will be witness to the deeds, if they have to leave you I will not go back again, then the corresponding hidangkanlah your will because you'll get it in front of you, and akhirkanlah according your will because he will not return to you forever ".

Seventh: Remembering the death and just before kematiaan, when humans leave the world, facing the Hereafter and hoping if he were given half a chance to repair the damaged and achieve what has been missed, but how improbable it is, because the charity has run out and that it was time calculation and retaliation. Teringatnya then someone would have the immediate attention on the utilization of time in keridhoan against Allah Ta'ala.

Eighth: Stay away from friends who wasted time, real friends with people lazy and hang out with those who like a waste of time is a waste of the human potential and time ..

Ninth: In view of the question of timing on the last day, when someone stands in front of his Lord on that frightening day, he will be asked about time and age, how did he spend? For what he used? On what he used?

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