What Causes Small Sins Become a Great Sin? Part 1

Dear reader ...
As we already know, the scholars to categorize sin into two major sins, namely al-kabaa-ir and small sins, namely ash-shaghaa-ir. Big sin is any act that the perpetrator threatened with hellfire, damnation acquire or get the wrath of God in the hereafter or get a penalty had on the world. Meanwhile, if the perpetrator is not threatened with hellfire, no gain anathema or not getting the wrath of Allah in the hereafter, or no sanctions had in the world then included in a minor sin. But keep in mind that when the scholars divide into sin sin sin small and large, are not meant to underestimate or dismiss minor sin.
In fact there are several reasons that make little sins turn into major sins. What is meant by "minor sins turn into major sins" are unchanged from the side of sin and punishment, not a small change in the sin itself (in dzatnya) becomes a major sin.
Ibn Hajar Al-Haitamy rahimahullah in the book Syarh Jauharut Tauhiid, halaman196 said, "small sin sometimes judged as a big sin, little sin is not itself being turned into a major sin."
Dear reader ...
On the subject of this time and some of the discussions that will come, we will examine some of the reasons that make little sins judged a great sin. Insha Allah, on this occasion we will examine the causes, namely
The first cause: perpetual sin or al-Ishror
Constantly small sin and also their determination to return to the small sin, little sin will make it judged as a great sin.
Imam Bukhari narrated the hadith of 'Abdullah bin' Amr bin 'Ash radi' anhu, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said,
ارحموا ترحموا, واغفروا يغفر الله لكم, ويل لأقماع القول, ويل للمصرين الذين يصرون على ما فعلوا وهم يعلمون
"Give love, surely you will find mercy. Give forgiveness, He will forgive you. Woe to those who do not pay attention to the rules of law and civilized with adab-adab Shari'a. And woe to those who do ishraar, that is, those who are constantly on top of deeds (sins) they do while they know. "(HR. Bukhari)
The threat contained in the Hadith is a threat that is very hard, which is not granted except for a grave sin. From the hadith can be concluded that the minor sins get the same threat as the major sins, one of which is caused by al-ishraar.
Conversely, if the perpetrators of major sins to repent and not constantly repeating the great sin he ever did, then he will be forgiven. It's not like the sinner who continually sinning, he will not be forgiven, even though he did it originally was a small sin. Allah Ta'ala says,
"And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wrong themselves, they remember Allah, and beg His forgiveness for their sins. And who can forgive sins but God? And they did not pursue his evil deeds that, while they know. "(QS. Ali 'Imraan: 135)
Regarding this verse, Imam Al-Qurtubi rahimahullah said,
"(By) (ولم يصروا) is not continuous and does not resolve to do (sin) that they have done."
Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, the Word of Allah, the Exalted, 'And they did not pursue his evil deeds that, while they know. "That they repent of their sins and turn to Allah in the near future and not constantly sinner and menekuninya , If he repeats his actions, then he repented again. Al-Haafiz Abu al-Mushili Ya'la rahimahulloh narrated in his Musnad, on the former slave of Abu Bakr, from Abu Bakr rodiyallohu 'anhu, he said: Rosululloh Sholallohu' alaihi Wassalam said; There is said to be continuous with the sins of the beristighfar, although he repeated the sins of the day for seventy times a day. "
Imam Baghowi rahimahulloh said, "And they did not pursue that his evil deeds". Ie they do not fulfill the sin and not constantly in sin but they repent, return to Allah and beristighfar. Ishror origin of the word is honor for something. Al-Hasan said, 'A servant is deliberately commit sins continuously until he repents. As-willing to say, Ishror is silent and leave forgiveness. "While they know". Ibn Abbas, al-Hasan, Muqotil, al-Kalbi said, 'They know that it is disobedience. "There is also an opinion; they know that ishror (continuous) is endangering the whole hog. Adh-Dhohak said, 'They know that Allah has forgiveness of sins. Al-Hasan ibn al-Fadl said, 'Indeed, they have Robb who forgives sin.' There is also an opinion; they are not mind knowing that Allah forgives sins though many. There is also an opinion; they know that if they repent, they will be forgiven.
Dear Readers ...
Terms of their forgiveness or Maghfiroh is not constantly doing the sin. Ishraar actions will prevent the granting forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. This shows the danger of deeds ishraar, although ishraar over minor sin. The above verse mentions ishraar absolute act and not give certain restrictions, to include ishraar above a small sin or big sin ishraar above. May Allah Ta'ala give guidance to us so do not constantly fall into sin and immorality.
The second reason is to underestimate or belittle sin
Anyone who belittle or underestimate the small sins usually do not feel grieved over sin which he pleased to be. This ultimately causes the person to repeat a sin he ever did and eventually ended up becoming a habit.
Dear reader ...
Related to belittle sin, Imam Al-Ghazali rahimahulloh in the book Al-Arba'in FII Ushuulid Deen, page 226 says, "Among the sins of small to large is a slave of sin underestimate and do not grieve for sin he ever did . "
Rahimhulloh He also said in Ihya '' Ulumuddin, the section 4, page 32, "The blame, as long as a servant considers sin as something large from within itself, then the sin will be on the side of Allah Ta'ala. When he considers such sins as great deeds, it comes from his flight from the sin and his hatred for sin. All that led to tercegahnya a servant of the consequences of sin. As for when he underestimate sin, it comes from his love of sin. Giving rise to a very strong influence in my heart. "
This is supposed to be done by a believer. Namely, he was always afraid and always keep himself from immoral acts, assume great little sin which he did and ran and pulled away from him.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said in the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari following:
إن المؤمن يرى ذنوبه كأنه قاعد تحت جبل يخاف أن يقع عليه, وإن الفاجر يرى ذنوبه كذباب مر على أنفه
"Those who believe see his sins as when sitting at the bottom of the mountain, he was afraid that the volcano fell on him. As for those who fajir see his sins like a fly-by (fly) in front of his nose. "(HR. Bukhari)
The companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the best generation of all times and ages. They are people who are eager to worship Allah. They are the people hasten to fulfill the commands of Allah and avoid His prohibitions. They are the ones who most away from sin, as small or as big as any of the acts of sin. They do not take sin lightly and do not regard sin lightly. Their attitude is that because they did not look great or small sins which will but to whom they sinned.
Narrated by Imam Bukhari, Anas radi 'anhu, he said,
إنكم لتعملون أعمالا, هي أدق في أعينكم من الشعر, إن كنا لنعدها على عهد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من الموبقات
"Surely you perform an act that is finer than a strand of hair your eyes, yet we vote at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including the sin of desolation." (HR. Bukhari)
Regarding speech rodiyallohu Anas bin Malik 'anhu this, Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said in the book Fath al-Bari juz 11 page 330, "You do something that you take for granted, even though the great sin or be judged as a great sin"
Dear reader ...
The third cause is glad about the sin committed
Rejoice or get excited over sin which do cause a certain small sins judged as a great sin. Someone who had fallen in sin, when he was happy or excited by sin that he did, then he would constantly repeat the sin. Happy someone acts committed by these people will turn from contemplating and thinking about the punishment and wrath of Allah Ta'ala. So he was not embarrassed anymore when doing the sin, which in the end he was committing that sin openly or al-mujaaharoh.
Dalil because all three are hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about al-mujaharah.Karena among the consequences of al-mujaharah is someone feel happy with small sins committed.
Dear reader ...
For the fourth is committing a sin openly or al-mujaharoh.
Patently in committing sins will cause minor sin could be judged as a great sin. People who blatantly sin, then he will cause others to join in and encourage them to imitate the acts of sin. In addition, the person will also decorate the sin-garnished so that it looks beautiful and pleasant in the human eye, and in the end they consider such sins as a good deed.
The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said in the hadith that diriwayatakan by Imam Bukhari:
كل أمتي معافى إلا المجاهرين, وإن من المجاهرة أن يعمل الرجل بالليل عملا, ثم يصبح وقد ستره الله عليه, فيقول: يا فلان, عملت البارحة كذا وكذا, وقد بات يستره ربه, ويصبح يكشف ستر الله عنه
"All of my Ummah will be forgiven, except the sin openly. Indeed, included in sin openly is someone who commits an act (sin) at night, then the next morning God cover the sin. The person then said, 'O so and so, last night I did so and so.' And indeed, at night, his Lord has covered the sin which he did, but in the morning he himself yangmembuka lid of Allah. "(HR. Bukhari)
Dear reader ....
Thus the causes that make a small sin to be sin judged great. Hopefully we can stay away from all forms of sin.

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