The world is "Place of Business", Its capital is "Faith", and the goal is "Heaven"

Mutiara Islam - As we all know, that life in the world nature is only transitory (temporary), see disekiling us, every year or even every month there are always people who died, meaning that when the time comes we will experience that period, ie die. And the meaning dies here does not mean death, but in fact we are still alive, then we change the nature, of the natural world to the grave and from the grave to get to the eternal afterlife.
If we already know that the world is only temporary, then we have to do is to do business, because later in the next world we could not do anything else, in the next world later, it is our time for the salary of the operating results had been done in the world.

If you want happy, try to not be difficult.
Neither was happy when in the world, even more pleased when in the Hereafter. Then do the business that can bring pleasure within.

If you want to get rich, try not to be poor.
When speaking of the rich do not always think about money, gold, vehicles and others. Because it is rich it can not necessarily bring happiness. Then kayalah will treasure wherewithal, rich in knowledge, rich in charity, and rich in heart.

If you want to love / loved one, try not to hate / hate.
These two things are very closely related, if you want to be loved then avoid hate. Whereas if you do not want to be hated, then try to always love.

If you want to be pious, try not to disobey God.
Meaning of taqwa is running all the commandments of God and stay away from all what Allah prohibited. If as we do is the opposite of that, it means we are included in the transgressors, and the transgressors definitely will not obtain the blessing. Then try to reach the blessings God with Taqwa.

From every effort will be made, then we must have the "Business Capital", and most venture capital good is "Faith". After obtaining the capital of the Faith, then do the business well, and avoid trying / doing business with "Satan". Because that would be obtained only loss and regret.

Allah says which means:

"O ye who believe, do you want I show you a commerce that can save you from a painful torment? (It is) you believe in Allah and His Messenger and jihad in the path of Allah with their wealth and soul, that's better for you, if you know it, Allah will forgive your sins and enter you into heaven flowing therein rivers, and (insert you) to a good place to live in heaven. That's great luck. "(QS. Ash-Shaf paragraphs 10-12)

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