That's not an idol idol

Mutiara Islam - In this life we ​​often get caught up in a blind fanatic attitude to life, including in the love towards certain people who we admire. We tend to follow and justify what they do, without considering the merits of what is done by the idol.

Therefore we must always be careful in choosing the idol. We must choose the idol that deserves to be at the idol, and not choose idol unfit to be an example for ourselves and others.

However, most teenagers now when they idolize celebrity figure, for example, they become blind fanatics. Though we often fooled by celebrity figure, which is possible when acting on screen be the one to look good, gentle, sympathetic and high allure. Though we do not know the original behavior in everyday life. Then we will be like not believe it when the news unfold about the ugliness-ugliness is disgusting. Finally we were made were devastated by it.

The opposite is also when there is a celebrity who plays the role of antagonist. Indirectly we often put out obscenities and swearing to the actors, though not necessarily in his everyday life he does bad things like in a soap opera.

Bakhan never a bitter experience of a celebrity in any soap opera that starred always played the villain. Once when shopping at a mall, he suddenly clawed and spit on by seoran mothers. After the investigation was the mothers was very furious and hate to see villains he sees in his usual soap opera watched. Though the celebrity is not currently carrying out its role. This is a simple example of how easily we are deceived, so sometimes we idolize people we idolize inappropriate or inappropriate hate people we hate, simply because of the role and the outward appearance.

For the proper attitude to idolize someone only in moderation. And let us choose the idol which was really nice to be made an example, that we should be motivated to do the virtues practiced by our idol.

In the Qur'an, Allah warns us not be easily deceived by the outside appearance or speech of a continuous and Fsih. Allah says:

وإذا رأيتهم تعجبك أجسامهم وإن يقولوا تسمع لقولهم كأنهم خشب مسندة يحسبون كل صيحة عليهم هم العدو فاحذرهم قاتلهم الله أنى يؤفكون

"And when you look at them, their bodies mengagumkanmu. And if they say, you listen to spoken [12]. They seemed to be of wood propped [13]. They think that every cry of addressed to them [14]. They are the enemies (actual) [15], so beware of them [16]; may Allah destroy them. How can they deluded (from the truth). " (Q.S. Al-Munafiqun: 4)

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