Prompts Baby Hair Shaving On the Seventh Day of Birth

Mutiara Islam - At the time of execution of aqiqah disunnahkan also to shave the baby. As for the proposition that states it is:

Abu Rafi 'that the Messenger shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam said Fatima when she gave birth to al-Hasan:

احلقي رأسه وتصدقي بوزن شعره من فضة على المساكين

"Shave the hair and give charity with heavy silver hair shaved to the poor." (Hadith Reported by Ahmad and al-Bayhaqi)

There are things that must be considered with regard to shave the hair, namely qoza ', Qoza' is partly shaved the baby's hair and letting some others. The statute prohibited the unlawful, as found in some traditions.

Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala and His Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam love and love of justice. He shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam has ordered man to do justice to itself. So he prohibiting someone shave some hair of the head and let the others, because it is a form of abuse against the head, in which he lets partly covered and partly open.

From Ibn 'Umar rodhiyallohu anhuma, that the Messenger shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam saw a little boy shaved most of his hair and left part, then he shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade it and said, "Shave by you entirely or leave it entirely." Ibn' Umar also said, "the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam forbade qaza'." Rawi said, "Do qaza 'it?". He said, "Shaving one spot of the child's hair and let the other place." (Hadith Reported by Ahmad)

Various Qoza '

Ibn al-Qayyim rohimahulloh stated that qoza 'that there are four kinds, namely:

First, shave the hair in some parts scattered.

The second, middle part hair shaved head and left both sides of the head is not shaved, as was done by keeper Christian church.

The third, a second shaved the hair side of the head and the center left as it is done by Pramu homestead.

The fourth, shaved the front and left rear.

When is it Time Baby Hair Shaving?

In many hadiths, the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam explained that the baby's hair shaved off in unison with aqiqah slaughter, which is the seventh day of his birth, as mentioned in a hadith shohih.

Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

الغلام مرتهن بعقيقته, يذبح عنه يوم السابع ويحلق رأسه ويسمى

"Children born mortgaged to aqiqahnya animals, which disembelihkan him on the seventh day, also had her head shaved and given a name." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i)

Imam Ahmad rohimahullloh argues:

"Disunnahkan to shave the baby on the seventh day of his birth."

After shaving the baby's hair, give charity with a Gold or Silver Weighing Hair Children Shaved, as the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered Fatima rodhiyallohu anha for charity with silver weighing scales shave her hair, as contained in the hadeeth of' Ali bin Abi Talib rodhiyallohu anhu , he said:

"Rosululloh shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam mengaqiqahi al-Hasan with the goat and said," O Fatima, Shave the hair and give charity with silver scales weighing the hair. "

'Ali rodhiyallohu anhu said: "So we weigh and weigh half a dirham or dirhams." (Hadith History at-Tirmidhi)

So for those of you who have the spaciousness should give alms with her silver hair and weighing scales for those who can not afford, "Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu not burden a person except according to his ability."

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says:

"Allah does not burden a person but according to his ability ...." (Qur'an, al-Baqoroh 286)

The majority of scholars among Malikiyah, Syafiiyah, and Hambali found advisable to shave the baby on the seventh day, then charity with gold or silver hair weighing according Malikiyah and Syafiiyah, while according to Hambali, alms with silver only. If the baby is not shaved, her parents could estimate the weight of her hair and the hair weighing charity. Then shave her hair done after slaughter aqiqah.

Benefits shaved baby

Some of the benefits of baby hair shaved medically are:

First, after childbirth, when the baby through the birth canal, a lot of fat on the skin of infants and mothers dirt attached to the body, including the hair. Barber will 'lift' the remnants of grease and dirt are

Second, increasing the flow of blood to the head, so that the scalp will need adequate nutrition.

Thirdly, insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicle, will stimulate improvement and better hair growth. Make hair appear healthy, strong, beautiful and radiant.

Fourth, parents easily detect any problems in the baby's scalp, such as ulcers, irritation, or injury. Bayipun easily adapt to the environment or the surrounding air because hairless scalp.

Once shaved, the hair will grow back. The presumption is said that the cuts will form the baby's hair is more dense is not entirely true because until now there has not been clinically proven. After the baby's hair cuts, some of which go back as the time of birth, there is increased dense, or conversely there are becoming fewer. It is influenced by genetic factors from their parents, also from the baby's grandparents are concerned.

And if the hair is too long, especially the forehead and around the ears. This will disrupt the visual adaptation of infants and often cause irritation and injury to the ear canal.

Ust. Deden Wahyudin, Lc.

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