Still Prioritize Instead Wife Mom? MEN'S MANDATORY READ! This Real Stories !!!

Mutiara Islam - At the time of the Prophet there is a young man named Alqomah. In daily life, he was always diligent in religious practices such as prayer, fasting and charity. Until one when he suffered a very severe pain, One of the relatives who see it say that Alqomah was to breathe his last.

What is surprising is inexplicably Alqomah diligent worship is very difficult to pronounce the shahada lafadz on the eve revoked his life. His wife also ask for help to a person in order to see the Prophet with the aim of conveying the message about the state of her husband who was suffering.

After the messenger came to the Prophet and convey the state of Alqomah, Rasul also told his companions like Bilal, Ali and Ammar to come home Alqomah. The situation is difficult to explain with words are indeed seen by the three of them and each questioning in their hearts about Alqomah abiding in conducting worship but it is difficult to say lafadz "Laa ilaha illa Allah". It looks like the tongue Alqomah locked to pronounce the word.

Seeing the condition of Alqomah suffering, Bilal decided to come to the Prophet. Arriving in front Rasullullah and Bilal outlines the events that happened, the Apostle also said "Do Alqomah still have a father and mother?"

Because Bilal enough to know the condition of Alqomah, he replied "Her father had died, but she still has a mother who is already old and weak".

Prophet then said, "Well Bilal, see Alqomah mother and I dropped off my compliments to him. When he was still able to walk, he could face me. If he can not then I'll get there. "

After hearing the command of the Prophet Muhammad, Bilal went straight to the house mother Alqomah and convey what was said by the Prophet without compromising one bit.

Alqomah mother also said, "Let me go to the Messenger".

With a little hobbled and with the aid of a stick that became the cradle, mother Alqomah even the Messenger and greetings were greeted with the answer of the Prophet.

Rasulullah said: "Can a mother described how Alqomah truth? Why it was awkward to say "Laa ilaha illa Allah". As far as I Alqomah is a diligent servant of worship again obey ".

Alqomah mother emphatically replied "That's because I was angry with him Messenger of Allah."

"Why are you angry with Alqomah?" Rasul more curious by saying Alqomah mother.

"This is because Alqomah more concerned with her than with me being his mother. Alqomah been hurt. He dared to defy me in order to carry out the desires of his wife. "

Messenger now understand the difficult circumstances Alqomah saying the "Laa ilaha illa Allah" was because his mother was outraged Alqomah. Rasul also nodded his head in a sign he had understood.

A moment later, the Prophet summoned Bilal and told him to collect as much firewood for Alqomah.

Hearing this, the mother Alqomah directly asked in astonishment "Ya Rasulullah why do you want to burn my son in front of my eyes? How do I feel when I see you later? "What mother who could see her burned right before his eyes. Although mother Alqomah wrath, but affection can not bear if Alqomah should be burned alive.

He replied "O mother Alqomah, the true torment of Allah in the Hereafter is more cruel. Alqomah charity has been working on for this can not be accepted by God because of anger that you give. The kindness that has been done with sincerity Alqomah not able to hold him from the torment of hell fire ".

"If you really want Alqomah survive the fire of hell, then you must forgive and give up what has been Alqomah do."

Hearing this, the mother Alqomah even forgive her because she could not if it should be viewed Alqomah tormented in hellfire.

After hearing what was presented by the mother Alqomah, the Prophet was asked Bilal to come home and check whether Alqomah Alqomah can already shahadah or not.

Sincerity sense of apology from a mother would her child have been proven. Bilal who had reached the front door of the house Alqomah heard that Alqomah has uttered the phrase "Laa ilaha illa Allah" smoothly and died in a good state.

Bilal was entered into the house and tell the cause Alqomah difficult for shahadah. Charity during life Alqomah did was not able to stem the wrath of his own mother.

Alqomah immediately washed, shrouded and dishalatkan led by the Prophet.

Done buried, the Prophet advised:

"O Companions Emigrants and Helpers. Anyone who prefers his wife rather than his mother so he was exposed to the curse of Allah, angels and men all. Even God does not accept worship him fardhu and sunnatnya unless truly repent to God and do good to his mother and asked keridhoannya. For the pleasure of God adrift by the blessing of the mother and the wrath of God is also in the wrath of a mother "

SubhaanAllah .. FRIENDS .. Shall we disobey a mother who was pregnant, give birth and raise us? It was so despised myself if should feel happy in the midst of suffering parents, especially mothers and set it aside.

May the true story above we can take a lesson and a lesson, let us devote to our mothers and fathers with a vengeance for the two of them do not have sinner to God.

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