Do you know ? Muslims Jews Main Enemy

Mutiara Islam - Since ancient times until the end of time the Jews will always be hostile to Islam. Their hostility to Muslims very clear and bright once. Especially in this age, they do not cease to make plots to destroy Islam and the Muslims. They are trying hard to control the economy, politics, military, and media to fight Muslims. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala explains the nature of the Jewish hostility in the noble verse below.

"Indeed, you find people who most loudly enmity against those who believe are the Jews and the idolaters. Indeed, you find the closest friendship with those who believe are those who say: "Lo! We are Christians", which That is because amongst them (the Christians) are pastors and rahib- monk, (also) because they do not menymbongkan Actual themselves. "(QS. Al-Maidah [5]: 82)

In this verse, Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu explains that the Jews and the polytheists are the most violent enmity to Islam.

The meaning of the Jews are those who follow the religion of the Hebrew nation, known as Asbath (twelve descendants of the Prophet Ya'qub 'alaihissalaam of Bani Israel).

The scholars differed on penamaaan or Jewish form.

First, it was said that the Hebrew word associated with Judas, the eldest son of the Prophet Ya'qub 'alaihissalaam

Second, the Hebrew word taken from the word هاد, which means a return (repent). These people called Jews because they repent of his mistake worshiping the golden calf.

Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala describes the hostility of the Jews against the believers or Muslims in many verses of the Qur'an, among others:

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا بطانة من دونكم لا يألونكم خبالا ودوا ما عنتم قد بدت البغضاء من أفواههم وما تخفي صدورهم أكبر قد بينا لكم الآيات إن كنتم تعقلون

"O you who believe, do not you take into your confidence friends people, outside of the guys (because) they were endlessly (cause) kemudharatan for you. They desire to harm you. Has a real hatred from their mouths, and what their hearts conceal is greater. It has been explained to you Our verses (We do), if you understand. "(QS. Ali Imron [3]: 118)

This verse clearly tells us that the hostility of Jews against Muslims was palpable.

The real proof of Jewish Zionist crimes we have witnessed with our own eyes in Palestine. With very brutal Zionist Jewish residents of Gaza and the blockade bombard them over the years so that their life is like in a giant prison with many suffering unimaginable by today's civilized man.

They kill Muslims mualai of parents, youth, women and even children. They imprisoned and tortured Palestinian Muslims. The cops they often tarnish the sanctity of Al-Aqsa mosque. In fact, they often hold a concert near the Al-Aqsa mosque that disturb Muslims worship. They also forbade Muslims to worship in the mosque of al-Aqsa.

Until at extreme levels, they make a tunnel to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque from below. Not just that, the Jews were not only hostile to Muslims and Palestinians, but they are hostile to all men even Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala and angels. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

"Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels, His Messengers, Gabriel and Michael, verily Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers." (QS. Al-Baqoroh [2]: 98)

The verse is the verse that explains about the Jews. They are people who are hostile and insulting Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu.

In hostile Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala, Jews have been accused Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala with properties that are not feasible. For example Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu tired and should rest on Saturday, Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala regret having created the Prophet Adam 'alaihissalaam, Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala was poor and so on. Their allegation that Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu the poor has been immortalized by Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala in the Qur'an, "Verily Allah has heard perkatan people who say," Allah is poor and we Sesunguhnya rich ". We will record their words and deeds that they killed the prophets unjustly, and we will say (to them), "Taste ye the punishment of burning". (QS. Ali Imron [3]: 181)

Jews have confidence that people outside their group like an animal. In the Talmud it says, "The Jews became unclean if he touches the non-Jewish graveyard for their animals are not human."

The Jews always pray and thank God did not give birth to them as "goyyim" (non-Jews). Every day as many as three times they prayed that God condemns religious leaders of non-Jews. (Tarikh al-Yahud, Muhammad Said Mursi, 2000)

Ambitions Jews in hostile Muslims is to make Muslims to follow them. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says.

"The Jews and Christians will not be pleased to you until you follow their religion. Say: "Verily Allah That user manual (which is true)". and Truly if you follow their desires after the knowledge came to you, then Allah is no longer the protector and helper for you ". (QS. Al-Baqoroh: 120)

The only way to survive the trickery of the Jews is to go back to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam, as well as strive to fight them with all the resources and efforts. May Allah save us Subhaanahu wa ta'ala of treason Jews. Amen.

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