Privileged Many kneel

Mutiara Islam - Aside from one rukunnya prayers, apparently prostrate save a lot of privileges. The Prophet SAW said, "Let thee prostrate solely for Allah, for verily every time you prostrate God will lift you up one degree, and every time you prostrate God will eliminate one sin you." (HR. Muslim).

Another feature of many prostrate is able meyembuhkan various diseases one of them a headache, it happens due to movement in the position of prostration can deliver more blood to the neck and head causes heart position higher than the position of the head. At the time of prostration artery blood vessel behind, locked in the groin, so the pressure will be more blood flowed back to the heart and is pumped to the head.

Prostration is the maximum way to draw blood and oxygen to the brain and limbs to the head. Prostration is the best technique to dismantle blockages of coronary arteries thus preventing coronary heart disease, also makes the small blood vessels in the brain gets more pressure, so it can heal and prevent headaches.

And no less important in prostration is the most close to God. The Prophet SAW said: "When was the closest for a servant to his Lord is when he is prostrating, then increase the prayer (during prostration)" (HR. Muslim)

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