Palestinian Sheikh: I Hope Muslim Indonesia appointed by God to lead the Islamic Civilization More

Mutiara Islam - One time we sat Jogokariyan Mosque, in the presence of Sheikh Dr. Abu Bakr Al 'Awawidah, Vice-Chairman of the Muslim World League of Palestinian Ulama. We said to him, "O Sheikh, various study stated that the Palestinian question is not completed until the nation 'Arab unity. What is your opinion?"

He smiled. "Not so yes Ukhayya," he said softly. "Allah chose for this religion menjayakan sesiapa His chosen among His servants; He genapkan to their terms, and he honored them with religion and the glory of it. "

"In the initial period," he continued, "God chose Nations' Arab. Led Rasolullah, four caliphs, and some authorities Daula 'Umayyad, this religion victorious. Then when the rulers and the leaders punggawanya Daulah it deviates, Allahpun penjayaan revoke the mandate of them. "

"In the next period, God chose the Persians. They come from the direction of Khurasan supporting Daula 'Abbasids. Then the main buffer Daula, from the Prime Minister, the Al Baramikah, until the commander, even many 'Ulama & Cendikiawannya God raised from among the Persians. "

"Then when the Persians turned and deviated, Allah unplug it from their mandate; God gave the Kurds; Salahuddin Al Ayubi peak and her children. "

"When they turn away, Allah switch that trust in the ex-slaves from Central Asia who disultankan in Egypt; Quthuz, Baybars, Qalawoon in between. They, the Mamluks. "

"When this Mamalik turn, Allah also move it to the Turkish nation mandate; 'Uthman Orthughrul & Child downs, and especially Muhammad Al Fatih. "

"When Daulah 'Aliyah' Ottoman turn away, God remove that trust and sense-it, to this day, God has not appointed another nation to lead the Islamic penjayaan this."

He sighed, then smiled. With a blind eye to torture Israeli prison, he directed his face to us and said. "It's among the great nations who accept Islam, the nation's you; rather short, tanned, again snub-nosed ", he said a little laugh," That has been appointed by God to lead penzhahiran this religion. "

"And is not the Prophet said that the carrier triumph of the end times will come from the East with their black flags? It used to be the 'Ulama assumed Khurasan, and Daula' Abbasid purport is already using in their campaign to overthrow the Daulah 'Umayyad. But now we know; The Islamic world stretching from the Maghreb; from Morocco, to Merauke, "he said chuckling.

"So really I hope, referred to by the Prophet it is you, O Muslim nation archipelago. Today, your job is to fulfill the requirements to be eligible appointed by God to lead the Islamic civilization. "

"Ah, I've seen the signs. But perhaps we, the Palestinians still have to be patient for a while fighting on the front lines. Be patient waiting for you a decent lead. Be patient waiting for you to come. Be patient until we are together to pray at the Aqsa Mosque independent God willing. "

Ah .. jumble of feelings, punctured tingling taste our hearts in Jogokariyan hear this all. O God, help us, strengthen us ..

Written by Ustadz Salim A. Fillah

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