Importance of Utilizing Time For Life

Mutiara Islam - Whoever follows the news of mankind and pay attention to their plight, he will know how they spend their time, how they spend the age, so that he will know that most of them wasting time, they avoid the pleasure can make use of age and use of time, therefore we see them spend their time and spend their lifetime activities that do not bring benefits to him.

Surely someone there who wonder of their pleasure with each passing day as well as happy with his passing, they forget that every minute even every time that has elapsed from his days will bring him to the grave and the hereafter, and keep him away from the world.

If time is life and he is the true age of man, and that custody is the subject of any goodness, penyia-nyiaannya a staple every ugliness, it requires an afterthought that describes the value of time in the life of a Muslim, what is required for a Muslim of the time, what are the causes that may help to keep time, and with what a Muslim can utilize the time.

If people know the worth of something and interests, and surely he will keep away from wasting and loss, and this is a common. Therefore, if a Muslim would know keberhargaaan as well as the interests of time, then he will be more careful in keeping and use it on anything that draws him to God.

Here Imam Ibn Qoyyim which will explain the essence of these words:

"When man is old he in essence, it is an element of eternal life in the enjoyment of the eternal, and the elements of life that narrower in torment painful, it will pass as soon as the passing of clouds, whoever is time for God and in God, then that's life and age, and that otherwise it will not be judged on his life ... if he spent his time in negligence, vanity and delusion of vanity, in which a best he spent was sleeping and void, then the death of this person will be better of life. "

Ibn al-Jawzi said: "Every human being is obliged to know the glory of the age and value their time, so there is nothing missing from it at all apart from taqarrub, he will put him the best of word and deed, let his intentions upright are in goodness endlessly with what not weaken the body of charity. "

Al-Qur'an and Sunnah are very considerate of time from different sides and with a picture of an assortment, God had sworn to him at the beginning of some verses in several different chapters, such as: after night, for lunch, for the dawn of time, after time Duha , For the sake of time. Allah says:

"By the night when the cover (a light lunch), and the day when the bright". (QS. Al-Lail: 1-2)

In the letter al-Fajr verses 1-2, Allah also says:

"By the dawn and the ten nights". (QS. Al-Fajr: 1-2)

Allah says in the letter ad-Duha 1-2:

"By the time duha and after night when it was pitch black." (QS. Ad-Duha 1-2)

Allah also says in Surah Al-Asr verses 1-2:

"For the period (1) Behold, the man is really at a disadvantage" (QS. Al-Asr: 1-2)

It is known that if Allah swears by something of His creatures, he showed interest and glory, and also to draw attention to her and aware of the benefits available to him.

Sunnah come to place more emphasis on the importance of time and precious times, and has been repeated that the man will be responsible for it on the Day of Judgment. Of Muadh bin Jabal that the Messenger sholallohu 'alaihi wasallam said:

لا تزول قدما عبد يوم القيامة حتى يسأل عن عمره فيما أفناه, وعن علمه فيم فعل, وعن ماله من أين اكتسبه وفيم أنفقه, وعن جسمه فيم أبلاه.

"It will not move the feet of a servant on the Day of Resurrection until he is asked about the four cases: about his age on what he spends, about his childhood on what he take, on his property where he got and for what he used, and about his knowledge of what he amalkan her "(HR. Tirmidhi and dihasankan by Al-Albani).

Prophet also reported that time is one of the favors Allah to His creatures, a servant is required to be grateful that he can, and if not then it will be withdrawn and lost. Grateful for the favors done by using the time to obedience and exploit the good deeds, the Prophet said solollohu'alaihi wasallam:

نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ

"Two favors that most humans fooled him: health and free time" (HR. Bukhari)

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