Want to Be Insan Kamil ??? Sharpening Four Olah It

Mutiara Islam - Some day we will be faced with an unfavorable position. Want to go forward have not had the courage, unyielding embarrassing, select embarrassing surrender. In this position, we must have the tactics to be underestimated. Then we must have is intelligence, not just smart in mind, but in all respects.

Judging from his understanding, Insan Kamil from Arabic. Literally, Insan human means, and Kamil means perfect. Thus, Insan Kamil means a perfect man. Perfect here means he has the advantage of all fields and versatile in doing things. Because Insan Kamil it to be true then we must continue to hone if the following four:

1. Be a man of faith and morals with the "Sports Heart".
Every human being has a heart, but not all of the liver is functioning as it should. Many people who deliberately shut his eyes, so that it becomes blind to his heart, even some whose hearts have died, so often we hear people say "he has no heart". Allah says:

"Do they not walked the earth, and they have hearts with which they can understand or have ears with which they can hear? Because the real is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts within the chest (QS. Al-Hajj: 46)

The origin of the heart is clear and crisp, but because it can not mengeendalikan passions that constitute the soul of dirt, then over time will settle and be careful it was closed.

Then to restore normal heart in a state that is clean and clear. Fill the heart with faith and filled with faith, and nurture the hearts with devotion. Do not give the slightest place for lust. From a pure heart will show kindness and goodness will appear high creativity. So Olahlah careful to balance, so it can be in control of themselves.

2. Be smart and accomplished man with "Sports Thought".
Special human beings with Allah another exceeding the man who has a sense used to think. The Prophet SAW said:

"Think for a moment is better than a thousand rekaat worship".

The point of worship that are not internalized and practiced in real life, the value is not comparable to "think" that produce a solution.

By training yourself thoroughly thought process, we would be a smart person. Smart thinking means thinking for the good and benefit without harming others. So if you want to be what it depends on our mind.

3. Be responsive and caring human being with "Sports Rasa".
Ancient times our ancestors, gave the message to the younger generation, so that every one has a high sense contained in "Tribrata" (three chivalry), namely:
a. Handarbeni, which means come to feel had. Always come up with a high sense to others, so that we will feel what other people feel. Feeling empathy for the suffering of others who are not as fortunate as us. So we will be resuscitated with how God has provided many advantages in themselves and that will appear is gratitude.

b. Hangrungkebi, which means to defend and maintain. When we've felt have, then our duty is to preserve and defend to the death. Grow a sense of high defense, so that when there is a threat against our brother, it can raise the fighting spirit to defend and defend.

c. Mulat Sariro Angsoro Wani, which means willing to introspect ourselves, know yourself and not afraid of criticism. Glad to look in the mirror see her shortcomings, then trying to improve ourselves, and keep practicing to be a strong person. Accept all kinds of what other people say about us, make it as a whip to raise us from empty dreams.

Sensitive to taste indispensable in the life of society. Because people who are good at processing the taste will be easy to get along and be accepted by society.

4. Be beings who are healthy and strong with the "Sport".
Healthy is very costly. But not everyone knows about it. For many people ignore the importance of health, and some even deliberately damaging to health. Rasulullah SAW said,

"Two of pleasure, but many people never mamikirkannya, namely health and leisure."

To be healthy and strong, there are several factors that affect,

a. Factor food. This factor is of great influence in determining a person's health. By always taking four of five perfectly healthy, hopefully will make a healthy body. But also keep in mind, many diseases arise also from food, it is caused due to excessive consumption. Although the food is healthy food, but if consumed by exceeding the portion it will cause undesirable effects in the body.

b. Environmental factor. In this case the environment greatly affects the health, environmental filthy and dirty will invite various diseases. Then keep the environment clean because "Cleanliness was a part of faith."

c. Psychic factors. This factor is more toward the soul force. Because it is related to one's mental. Psychiatric illnesses that are common namely distrust of themselves due to not being able to face the reality. Even if the disease is severe, it is not uncommon that committed suicide. Na'udzubillah.

If all three of these factors can be addressed properly, then one more thing to do is exercise. With frequent exercise will make this yourself to be healthy and strong, and will bring out the positive in themselves.

Well friend bacaislam, always honing four "if", it will bring a lot of positive things. Starting from the spiritual intelligence that though the liver, then bring intellect to think though, and has a sense of caring for others with a sense though, and that is no less important, besides causing social intelligence, exercise is also capable of inflicting emotional intelligence. So as to be perfect man will soon be realized, but need diinggat also, still with all the existing shortcomings.

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