Courtship please !!! Originally Not Do This

Mutiara Islam - The term courtship can not escape from the juvenile, because one of the characteristics of teenagers who stands out is their sense of fun to the opposite sex with a desire to have. At this time, seoarang adolescents usually start 'fancies' of the opposite sex. Then he attempted to pendekataan to get the chance to reveal the contents of his heart. After a successful approach and tit for tat, and then the two began dating.

Courtship can be interpreted vary, but the point is the love relationship between a teenager with the opposite sex. Courtship practices also vary, there were just send letters, telfonan, chatingan, that shuttle, apple, until there were like husband and wife. Na'udzubillah

Among teenagers today, courting be very proud identity. Usually a teenager will be proud and confident if it already has a boyfriend. Instead teens who do not have a boyfriend considered less slang, geeky, not sold, and so on. Therefore, look for a boyfriend among adolescents not only a biological necessity but also a sociological necessity. So it is not surprising that the majority of teens now own special friends called "girlfriend."

The term courtship virtually unknown in Islam, but it expresses love as honesty liver is also not contrary to Islamic law. Because no single verse or hadith that explicitly or implicitly forbidden. Islam simply provide boundaries between who should and should not be in the relationship of men and women who are not husband and wife.

Among these limitations are:

1. Do not do anything that could lead to adultery.
Allah Ta'ala. Says, "And do not approach adultery; in fact adultery is a heinous deed and an evil way. "(QS. Al-Isra: 32). The intent of this paragraph, do not perform acts that could plunge you in fornication. Among such actions as being alone with the opposite sex in a lonely place, touch including holding hands, kissing, and so forth.

2. Do not touch women who are not mahram.
Prophet. said, "It is better to hold a hot iron rather than holding or touching woman who is not his wife (if she knew would be severe torment)."

3. Do not be alone with the opposite sex who is not mahram.
Prohibited men and women who are not mahram for alone together. Prophet. said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, then she should never be alone with a woman who is not with mahram, because the three dalah devil." (HR. Ahmad).

4. Need to keep your eyes and view.
Because that's the key careful eye. And the view was senders slander that often leads to fornication. "Say to the believing men let them turning their gaze (from haram) and protect their honor ......... And say to the woman let them dim their eyes from the unlawful passage and protect their honor ........." (QS. An- Nur: 30-31).

What is meant subjecting the views that keep the view, do not take my eye away let alone looking at the opposite sex filled with the surge of lust. We're only allowed to look at the opposite sex as needed, should not be exaggerated.

5. Close Aurat.
Compulsory for women to keep the genitalia and forbidden to wear clothes that show the shape of her body, except for her husband. In the hadith say that women who leave the house dressed that show curves, wear a fragrance that smells fragrant, wearing makeup and so on, every move condemned by the Angels, and every man who looked similar to fornicate with her. In Qiyamat days later a woman like that will not smell heaven (let alone go to heaven).

While the above restrictions are not violated, then the courtship is permissible. But the problem is possible without courting looked at each other, holding, joking ria, kissing and so forth? If possible please relationship, but if not possible then do not ever dating because of a painful doom await you.

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