What Causes Small Sins Become a Great Sin? Part 2

Dear reader ....

We have studied the causes sin among small judged as a major sin, namely underestimate or belittle sin, rejoice in the sin committed, and commit sin openly or al-mujaharoh. In this section, we will discuss the reasons that the fifth and sixth.

For the fifth: happy with deeds-vice

Dear reader ....

For the fifth that made little sin judged as a big sin was pleased with the action-vice. As people who feel the peace of mind if the sinner. Or she prides itself before man for doing this and it's immoral!

Imam Ghozali rohiimahulloh said, "Including the great sin was was pleased with his sin and gembiara and proud."

Beware, O my brother about this because if the devil had been desperate to plunge men into major sins then he will persuade people to do the small sins which if accumulated a lot of the human person, the small sin will destroy it.

For the sixth minor sin is committed by clerics who serve as role models.

Dear reader ...

For the sixth that made little sin a great sin was judged minor sin is committed by clerics who serve as role models.

If you are asked, who were scholars; the answer is that roughly would you give? Is the audience looked like the assumption that the cleric is every speaker talk about religion? Or as it was believed in some quarters that he is a man who has a supernatural power? Or maybe like the view feudalists who considers that he is a religious office holders? Sholallohu Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam said:

"Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets," (HR. Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi).

Of course, we all know what and how the prophet's task was, is not it? Yes, nurture and guide people from straying onto the road of truth on the basis of revelation. Lead the people towards a happy life in this world and hereafter. Alleviating the people of darkness and destruction. Saved the people from ignorance and contempt. And most importantly, convey the message of the Lord of all the worlds treatise. That is the task of the prophet.

Even so true scholars. He is the successor relay struggle prophet. He is a prophet duty holders. All the tasks of a prophet who inherited it. "The prophets do not inherit the dinar nor dirham. They inherit is a science. Who takes the legacy that means he takes the part of many, "so as the Lord the Messenger sholallohu 'alaihi wasallam.

If the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, meaning he was in charge guide and nurture the people after the death of the prophet. If the scholars are the successor relay struggle prophet, then he is obliged to lead the people toward a happy life as exemplified prophet. And if the scholars are the stakeholders task of the prophet, then he is entitled to alleviate and saved the people of darkness, destruction, ignorance and contempt as dituntunkan prophet. If so, the mandate was tough on his shoulder, and it is very noble job. "Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets". Indeed, only those who were able to take legacy pilihanlah prophets.


A cleric, if minor sin, then that sin can be judged as a great sin. This is because the cleric has a position in the community as an example or be used as a role model in the practice of charity in order to follow the commands of Allah Ta'ala. If the act was followed by laymen, then a small sin can be judged as a great sin.

Imam Ibn Qudaamah rohimahulloh said, "Those who sin while he was a scholar who became a role model, if he understands and knows his sin but instead braved the sin of the sin that he can is great as well."

Imam al-Ghozali rohimahullah say that actually know little sins could be great with a couple of reasons, among them: if constantly done, belittle a sin; because a slave of sin often makes it a great in him then it will be on the side of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, but if he votes for something small it will be great in the hand of Allah subhanahu wata'ala. Among other reasons is feeling happy with small sin, feel proud, even he feels do sin it is a pleasure, said he had failed that sin is because of destruction; Therefore, when a pleasure it has meguasai small sin in a person then so be it big small sin. Among other reasons also is that if the sinner was a scholar who became a role model community. "

Al-Ghazali rahimahullah also said, "If the minor sins arise from a scholar who exemplified charity, then it is a great thing, because sin is still there after his death." (Al-Arba'in fi Ushuulid Deen, p. 226 ).

Dear reader ...

Small sin is not only doomed dosar after the cleric died, but also when the cleric was still alive. Because when that sin will be followed by laymen and became widespread in the community. May God Almighty give you His guidance to us all.

Rohimahulloh Hulaimi Imam said, "It is not a sin but there is in it small and big sin. Small sin could be a great sin by indications that included him. Great sin could be a very ugly act with the indications that came to him, except Kufr in Allah subhanahu wata'ala because he is the most ugly deeds.

Dear reader ..

Thus two reasons that make little sins judged a great sin. Hopefully we can leave little sins.

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