Privileged Al-Quran (2)

Mutiara Islam - News of the Qur'an must be true and fair laws. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

وتمت كلمة ربك صدقا وعدلا لا مبدل لكلماته

"Having completed the sentence your Lord (al-Qur'an), as a true and fair sentence. Nothing can amend-robah sentences him ". [QS. al-An-'aam: 115].

Rohimahullohu Qatada said: "Anyone who said the Koran is true and what is convicted, each of the Koran is fair, (is) right in pengkhabaran and fair in his command, then any what is reportedly the Qur'an is true that there are no lies and doubt in it, and ordered each of the Koran is fair that there is no justice afterwards, and what is forbidden any of the Koran is falsehood, because the Koran does not forbid (an deed) except where there is damage. As word of Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu:

يأمرهم بالمعروف وينهاهم عن المنكر ويحل لهم الطيبات ويحرم عليهم الخبائث

"He told them to do and the good and forbidding them to do what is wrong and justifies to them all that is good and forbids them evil things". [QS. Al-A'raaf: 157] In the Koran there are real stories, and not (be) a fantasy, the stories of the Prophet Moses and Pharaoh is a true story. God's Word Subhaanahu wa ta'ala:

نتلوا عليك من نبإ موسى وفرعون بالحق

"We recite to you some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh". [QS. Al-Qasas: 3]

Similarly, the story of As-Haabul Kahf is a true story. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

نحن نقص عليك نبأهم بالحق

"We tell their story to you (Muhammad) in truth." [QS. Al-Kahf: 13].

And all of what was told by Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu in the Qur'an are haq (truth). Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

إن هذا لهو القصص الحق

"This is indeed a true story". [QS. Ali-Imran: 62]

    Al-Qur'an collects between the needs of the world and the hereafter. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

وابتغ فيمآءاتاك الله الدار الأخرة ولاتنس نصيبك من الدنيا وأحسن كمآأحسن الله إليك

"And look at what God has given to you (happiness) in the Hereafter, and do not forget bahagianmu of (enjoyment) world and do good (to others) as Allah has been good to you". [QS. Al-Qasas: 77]

    Al-Qur'an meets all the requirements (live) humans in the form of faith, worship, law, mu'amalah, morality, politics, economics and. other life problems, which are needed by the community. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says:

مافرطنا في الكتاب من شىء

"Tiadalah We forget anything from the Al-Kitab". [QS. Al-An'aam: 38]
And the word of Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu:

ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شىء وهدى ورحمة وبشرى للمسلمين

"And We have sent down to you the Book (al-Qur'an) to explain everything, and a guidance and a mercy to those who surrender". [QS. An-Nahl: 89]

Al-Qurtubi said in interpreting the word of Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu (مافرطنا في الكتاب من شىء) Tiadalah We forget anything in the Book (Al-An'aam: 38): "That is in al-Lawh al-Mahfud , For verily Allah wa ta'ala Subhaanahu already established what would happen, or is that in the Qur'an that is we do not leave nothing of religious judge actions unless we show it in the Koran, both explanations already explicit or global explanation can be obtained from the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam, or by ijma' or analogy based on the texts of the Koran ". [Juz 6 p. 420].

Then Al-Qurthubi rohimahullohu also said: "So it is true word of God, that He did not leave the matter at all in the Qur'an either in detail or in the form kaedah.

Tabari said in interpreting subsection (ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شىء) "And We have sent down to you the Book (al-Qur'an) to explain everything. (An-Nahl: 89): "Al-Qur'an has come down to you O Muhammad as an explanation of what a human needs, such as knowing the lawful and unlawful and the reward and the punishment. And as a hint of perversity and mercy for those who justify it and practice what is in it, in the form of God's laws, commandments and prohibitions, which justifies the halal haram forbidden. ... And the good news for those who have surrendered ...... he said, "and as a happy picture for anyone who obediently to God and submission to Him with tawheed and comply with obedience, God will give him the good news in the form of the amount of the reward in the hereafter and a great virtue.
The Qur'an has a strong influence on the human soul and the jinn.

The (strong influence on) humans, many of the idolaters at the beginning of Islam that are affected by the Qur'an and they converted to Islam. Whereas today, I've met with young Christians who had converted to Islam and he mentioned to me that he was influenced by the Koran when he listened to tapes. The (strong influence on) jin, jin has said the group:
قل أوحى إلى أنه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا إنا سمعنا قرءانا عجبا يهدي إلى الرشد فئامنا به ولن نشرك بربنآ أحدا
"Say (O Muhammad):" has diwahyulkan to me that a jinn has listened to (al-Qur'an), then they said: We have really heard an amazing Qur'an, (which) gives guidance to the right path , then we believe in him. and we never will not associate anyone with our Rabb "[QS. Al-Jinn: 1-2]

As for the disbelievers, many of them are affected by the Qur'an when it heard. So Walid bin Mughirah said: "By Allah, this is not the magic and poetry and not a madman nor delirium, and in fact he is Kalamullah that has the sweetness and beauty. And sesungguhya he (al-Qur'an) is very high (exalted) and not that surpass them.

    People who learn the Qur'an and teach is the nicest guy. Because the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wasallam:
خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه

"The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it." [HR. Bukhari]

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