Wary Small Sins

Dear reader ....

Mentioned in the hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Ad-Darimy, Ibn Hibban and others that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

ياعائشة إياك ومحقرات الأعمال (وفى رواية: الذنوب) فإن لها من الله طالبا

"O Aisha, ye avoid trivial deeds (and in the wording mentioned sins). Because there are going to demand of God against those deeds "(HR. Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Ad-Darimy, Ibn Hibban)

It's a testament to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to the Mother of the Faithful, Aisha Rodiyallohu' anha. It is a further testament precious substance, namely in the form of warnings about things that are often neglected many people, ie small sins. After the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam died, Anas Rodiyallohu' anhu said, "It's all of you already know the various charities that point of view it is softer than a hair. If we called it at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam case it includes things that are destroyed ".

Note O of the believers! If it is said Anas Rodiyallohu 'anhu as it was at the time a friend and tabi'in, then how suppose Anas Rodiyallohu' anhu saw the condition of the people at the present time? Certainly a believer will feel sorry and sad to see the followers of Islam who underestimate the rights of God, and nothing he says except saying: What a sorry oh servant of Allah.

Umm Darda Rodiyallohu 'anha who said, "One day Abu Darda entered (the house) angrily. Then Umm Darda asked, What is this you? "
Abu Darda said, "By Allah, I did not see any of the affairs of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallm between them, but they would pray all" (HR. Bukhari)

Then what would be spoken Abu Darda suppose he saw the lives of people today?

Dear reader ....

A Muslim man straight in his faith will not look lawlessness going on in front of him, then he said, without paying attention, "it's just a small sin and trivial". But he must fear the punishment of God, crying out of fear of hellfire and feel the suffering and loss suppose he obstructed to enter heaven.

In the past, there was an ascetic, rohimahulloh Bilal ibn Sa'd said, "Do you see the little mistakes. But look who you durhakai "

A Muslim is a straight always worry to him and fear the retribution of God. Thus, he is always in obedience to God and carrying out good.

Abu Ja'afr As-Sa'ih Rohimahullah also said, "There are news reaches us that a devout woman who has always actively implementing circumcision prayers, said to her husband," Woe to you, arise! Until when you go to sleep? Until when you are always in a state of neglect? I will swear by you, do not make a living except by lawful means. I will swear by you, do not go to hell just because of me. Try to do good to your mother, connect kinship, do not break them so that Allah will break you "

That made a pious Muslim woman who is an expert in worship. She helped her husband to the interests of the affairs of the world and the hereafter.

While in the present age, we see Muslim men and Muslim women do not pay attention to minor sins, except the people who blessed God. Eventually even they dare to do the major sins openly during the day, do not fear the anger Yang Mahapenguasa. At first they belittle sin. He did not realize that when a person has been dismissive of a sin, then God will enlarge the sin. So it is not quite up there alone, until he finally collapsed in a major sin. Though beginning departing from the small sin. How true the words of a poet.

"All events originated from the view of the flames coming from a small ugliness.

How many views are damaging the offender is like the destruction of arrows without a bow and ropes "

So the Muslim men and Muslim women should stay away from small sins, especially major sins. While they want to leave a great sin, repentance of sins small, beristighfar, regret and admitted though that iniquity was small, yet it is the right of Allah, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has primacy in everything. With the regret and recognition of this, verily Allah is spacious forgiveness and mercy, He will forgive. This is as Allah Subhanahu wata'ala said,

"If kalaian avoid major sins among the sins forbidden you do, We will delete mistakes you (your sins are small) and we enter you into a glorious place, which is heaven." (QS. An -Nisa ': 31)

Dear Readers ....

Perhaps you have wondered, saying, "Is not the small sins were forgiven as diampuninya iniquity else?

We can not say except that God is very great forgiveness, the vast mercy, forgive whoever He wills. But you shall know, suppose the small sins that come together in a person, surely he would destroy it and put it into hell. We seek refuge with Allah from it.

The companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also thought as you think. Then he was going to explain to them the dangers of this problem and the magnitude of this affair. So, he said, as narrated by Sahl bin Sa'd radi 'anhu, that he said:
"Flee ye sekalin minor sins. Because parable little sins were like a group of people who stop in the middle of the valley. This one came in with branches, and that it came in with the branches, which have brought the limb, then they cook bread. Indeed, the small sins that act of disobedience "(HR. Ahmad and Thobroni)

Thus the discussion about mewasdai minor sins. May be useful for our lives.

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