Type Diabetes And How To Treat

Mutiara Islam - Diabetes mellitus is a common condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high because the body can not use it properly. This is because the method body to convert glucose into energy is not working as it should.

Typically, a hormone called insulin carefully control the amount of glucose in our blood. Insulin is made by a gland called the pancreas, which is located just behind the stomach. It helps glucose get into the cells where it is used as fuel by the body. We obtain glucose from the food we eat, both of sweets or starchy food digestion like bread or potatoes. The liver can also make glucose.

After a meal, insulin levels rise and blood glucose is released into the blood. When blood sugar levels down - for example, during physical activity - falling insulin levels. Insulin, therefore, plays an important role in regulating blood glucose levels and, in particular, in stopping the blood glucose rises too high.

There are two main types of diabetes:
Diabetes TYPE 1:
Also known as insulin-dependent diabetes
Diabetes Type 2:
Also known as non-insulin diabetes

Type 1 diabetes occurs when there is no insulin in the body because the cells in the pancreas that produce it have been destroyed. This type of diabetes usually appears in people under the age of 40, often in childhood. It is treated by insulin injections and diet.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body can still produce some insulin, though not enough for his needs, or when the insulin that the body produces does not work properly. This type of diabetes usually appears in people over the age of 40. It is treated by diet and exercise alone, or in combination with diet and tablets, or in some cases with a combination of diet and insulin injections.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Here are the main symptoms of diabetes:
1. Fast thirsty
2. Blurred vision
3. A frequent visitor to the toilet (especially at night)
4. genital itching or regular attacks thrush
5. Weight gain
6. Easily tired

Type 1 diabetes develops much more quickly, usually for a few weeks, and the symptoms are usually very clear. In both types of diabetes, the symptoms are quickly relieved once diabetes is treated. Early treatment will also reduce the likelihood of developing serious health problems.
Type 2 diabetes develops slowly and the symptoms are usually less obvious. Some people may not notice any symptoms at all and they only take diabetes in routine medical examinations up. Some people may put the symptoms into 'getting older' or 'overwork'.

Who gets diabetes and what causes it?
Diabetes is a common health condition. About 1.4 million people in the UK are known to have diabetes - which is about three in every 100 people. And there are an estimated one million people in the UK who have diabetes but do not know it. More than three-quarters of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes Although the condition can occur at any age, it is less common in babies and is becoming more common as people get older.

The cause of Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas have been destroyed. No one knows for sure why these cells have been damaged but the most likely cause is a normal reaction of the body to the cells. It may be triggered by a viral infection or other. This type of diabetes usually affects young people. Both sexes are affected equally.

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes used to be called 'maturing early' diabetes because it usually appears in middle-aged or older, although sometimes appears in young people. The main cause is that the body no longer responds normally to its own insulin, and / or that the body does not produce enough insulin.

People who are overweight are very likely to develop type 2 diabetes tends to run in families and is more common in people of Asian and African-Caribbean. Some people mistakenly describe diabetes type 2 diabetes 'light'. There is no such thing as mild diabetes. All diabetes should be taken seriously and treated properly.

Other causes of diabetes
There are several other causes of diabetes, including specific diseases of the pancreas, but they are all quite rare. Sometimes an accident or illness may reveal diabetes if it is already there, but they did not cause.

How is diabetes treated?
Although diabetes can not be cured, it can be treated very successfully. Knowing why people with diabetes develop high blood glucose levels will help you to understand how some of the maintenance work.

Blood glucose levels
When sugar and starchy foods have been digested, they turn into glucose. If a person has diabetes, the glucose in their body does not turn into energy, either because there is not enough insulin in their bodies, or because the insulin that the body produces does not work properly. It causes the liver to make more glucose than usual but the body is still not able to convert glucose into energy. The body then breaks down stores of fat and protein to try to release more glucose but still this glucose can not be converted into energy. This is why people with untreated diabetes often feel tired and lose weight. Unused glucose into the urine, which is why people with untreated diabetes pass large amounts of urine and was very thirsty.

Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes
People with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections for the rest of their lives and also need to eat healthy foods that contain the right balance of food. Insulin can not be taken by mouth because it is destroyed by the digestive juices in the stomach. People with this type of diabetes usually take two to four insulin injections every day.
If you or someone close to you need insulin injections, your doctor or diabetes nurse will talk to you, show you how to do it and provide support and assistance. They will also show you how you can do a simple blood or urine test at home to measure your glucose levels. This will allow you to adjust insulin and diet according to your daily routine. Your doctor or diabetes nurse will advise you what to do if your glucose levels are too low.

If you have type 1 diabetes, your insulin injections is very important to make your life and you should have them every day.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes should eat a healthy diet that contains the right balance of food. If your doctor or diabetes nurse you find that this alone is not enough to keep your blood glucose levels normal, you may also need to take the tablets.

Reducing the risk of serious health problems
People with diabetes have a higher chance of developing health problems are particularly serious, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, circulation problems, nerve damage, and kidney damage and eye. This risk is very high for people with diabetes who are also very overweight, who smoke or who are not physically active.
You will greatly reduce the risk of developing any of these complications by controlling your blood sugar and blood pressure levels, and by eating healthily and doing regular physical activity.

Routine examination of health
In 10 to 20 years, care for people with diabetes has increased dramatically. One of the most important developments has been improved screening methods that will help doctors take health problems at an early stage so that they can be treated more successfully. This is why having regular health check-ups at least every year, very important. Maintaining a reasonable body weight is a variable that can help reduce your chances of developing diabetes. And always check whether you have a healthy weight.

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