Feature A True Muslimah

Mutiara Islam - For someone who claims to be a believer must always longed to be a real Muslim, especially for a woman of course also wanted him to be a true Muslim. In an era of excessive sebra like today many womenfolk fell into the valley of disgrace, it happens because of a lack of keeping away from deception satan, so that women are supposed to be the world jewelry can be enjoyed by everyone who sees, as do mutual berlomba- race to show who is more beautiful and more interesting. So, whether we've really become a true Muslim ?? Here is a Feature A True Muslimah

1. Having unwavering faith in Allah and His Prophet.

Having unwavering faith in Allah and His Prophet are the main characteristics of a true Muslim. With this faith, can strengthen the heart in the face of all kinds of trials. However, the difficulty of the exam as melting with the sweetness of faith that resides in his chest. Without a firm faith in this, a woman may not be a true Muslim.

2. Devoted Namely run All commands of Allah and His Prophet and stay away from the restrictions of both.

If there is a claim to a Muslim but has not run the commands of Allah and His Prophet, then it is not considered a true Muslim. Allah says: "And it is not fitting for a believing man and not (also) for a believing woman, when Allah and His apostles has been set by a statute, will be there for their choice (other) about their affairs. and whoever disobeys Allah and His apostles Then behold, he has been misled, misguided real. (QS.al Ahzab [33]: 36)

3. Have good moral and Islamic personality

Have a noble character and an Islamic personality traits - traits the true Muslim, with mentontoh behavior Rosululloh SAW and his wives, and the noble Islamic shohabiyah.

4. Worshipping only hope and the blessings of Allah

This characteristic is important because many who do not perform their duties is a Muslim because Allah but for others, or because they want to be praised, this is very dangerous. Then run the command of God just simply hope Ridho him.

5. Be patient and tough-minded; Gratitude and not kufr.

Patience and gratitude is a true Muslim ornament. By then he will be a servant of Allah qonaah against destiny. Muslim patient and thanksgiving will be a noble figure at the side of Allah, especially on the human side. Patience and gratitude are like two wings by which one fly freely towards keridhaaan Allah.

6. tawazun (proportional and professional) in all affairs.

True Muslim is a person who tawazun in her affairs. In addition to his role as an educator of children he must also set the time and work to serve her husband. Sometimes also he had to share the time to add more sholih practice. He was not banging their duties and obligations. Everything he manage with very tawazun.

7. Diligent and spirit tolabul ilmi (studying).

A true Muslim always diligent and passion in their studies. Although he has a family even able to achieve a high degree (in the academic field, for example) but still thirst with the knowledge of anyone who deliver it. Studying and getting an education is not specifically for a Muslim only. Even within Islam Muslim women are required to lifelong learning is not only compulsory education up to high school or equivalent. And the study should be a hobby that makes Muslim actually "addicted" when leaving.

8. Obedient to her husband and parents.

Obedience to parents is the criterion of a true Muslim. But for Muslim women who are already married, first obedience is the obedience to the husband then new parents. Disobedient to parents is usually easier to do a wife because it was the parents who raise and educate small. But obedience to the husband sometimes takes hard work for a Muslim. However, in return was also great that heaven Allah is very spacious and beautiful.

9. Fond of preaching and charity.

Da'wah is not only the obligation of the men, but he is also a huge task that must be carried on the shoulders of Muslim women. This caused many sectors of life that is more appropriately handled by a Muslim because of their special. Therefore the role of propaganda in the sector is urgent. In addition he also did not forget fond of preaching charity. All because he was very ideology that the charity is proof of faith as well as the path to heaven.

10. Always Keeping iffah (pure self).

Personal purity is a precious pearl for every woman. No one of the most proficient in maintaining the sanctity of Muslim women themselves apart. Chastity themselves is not only important to keep yourself not to commit adultery only. Abstain from ikhtilath, courtship, cating, facebook's useless against opponents jenispun part of maintaining the sanctity of self. This is often forgotten by Muslim today.

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