This is the Islamic prohibition Wisdom Behind On Agency Relationship Through Anus, SPREAD!

Mutiara Islam - Islam strictly prohibits to engage in intercourse through the anus, Islam has set the procedures for this relationship that does not deviate like the fulfillment of animal passion. Aturanaturan behind the true Islam is for the betterment of humanity itself. As well as some of the reasons why Islam strictly prohibits anal intercourse.

Allah says:

"The wives of you is the field for you. So go to your fields at will you guys .... "
(QS. Al-Baqarah: 223)

From the verse there are some things that we can draw the outline, namely:

Which may be attended (do intercourse with her) is a woman who has status
become our legitimate wife.

Wife likened like fields that may be visited at will, the intention should be approached from
any direction.

Although allowed to be approached from any direction, but must remain where planting seeds
in the field rather than in other places.

As for some of the reasons why illicit sexual intercourse is done through the anus, including

1. Thin-walled Anus So Easy Luka

Wall anus easily wound because layers thinner walls than the sex organs
womanhood. In addition, the anus does not have a lubricating fluid so easily happen galling
due to friction during penetration. If the wound has occurred, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
much bigger, especially HIV, genital herpes virus and so forth.

2. The occurrence of muscle damage Anus

In the anus are called the anal sphincter muscles which serve to close the mouth of the anus. Muscle
This new open if the person concerned defecate (discard sisasisa
digestion). As a result of anal intercourse, this muscle can be damaged so do not
functioning again. If it is so, then a bowel movement will not be controlled anymore.

3. Bacterial Infections Occupants Anus

There are so many bacteria that inhabit the anal region. Bacteria bacteria is mainly tasked to
destroy and decompose sisasisa food. If intercourse is done through the anus,
bakteribakteri then this can cause infection in the male organ of copulation. As a result of course
venereal disease would be suffered by the offender.

4. Occurrence of Bleeding

As already mentioned above that the thin walls of the anus is so susceptible to injury. this wound
can be more severe abrasions or tearing of the walls of the anus is accompanied by damage to blood vessels in the area. If this happens then rectal bleeding can not be avoided.

Similarly, four reasons why Islam strictly prohibits anal intercourse. so think
repeatedly before acting. Do not get satisfaction just for a moment, we suffer a lifetime. Even the suffering it will continue after we die, which is suffering eternal torment fruit of the sin of the divine

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