This is the Islamic prohibition Wisdom Behind On Agency Relationship Through Anus, SPREAD!

Mutiara Islam - Islam strictly prohibits to engage in intercourse through the anus, Islam has set the procedures for this relationship t...
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Allah is the Greatest! River under the sea Described In the Quran Now Found!

Mutiara Islam - The fact that the actual underwater river has been described in the Qur'an is one of the amazing facts about the Qur...
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Still Prioritize Instead Wife Mom? MEN'S MANDATORY READ! This Real Stories !!!

Mutiara Islam - At the time of the Prophet there is a young man named Alqomah. In daily life, he was always diligent in religious practi...
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Aqiqah law and its primacy in Islam

Mutiara Islam - Aqiqah a more noble symbols of the great and very popular among Muslims in various parts of the globe. Noble Shari'a...
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Forgiveness That Can Redeeming Sin

Mutiara Islam - Sin and error is permanent allies to humans. Man is not free from errors, large and small, consciously or unwittingly. M...
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Privileged Al-Quran (2)

Mutiara Islam - News of the Qur'an must be true and fair laws. Subhaanahu Allah wa ta'ala says: وتمت كلمة ربك صدقا وعدلا لا مبد...
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Privileged Al-Quran (1)

So many people mistakenly use the standard in assessing the merits of others. Hospitality, helping others and love nraktir including the ...
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The story of Amir Bin Abdullah, A Tabi'in Who Died In prostration

Mutiara Islam - This is the story of a scholar Successors ketauladanan very diligent worship, Imam Amir bin Abdullah bin Zubayr ibn al-A...
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Do you know ? Muslims Jews Main Enemy

Mutiara Islam - Since ancient times until the end of time the Jews will always be hostile to Islam. Their hostility to Muslims very cl...
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Adab-adab For Teachers and Students In Learning

Mutiara Islam - Here are some adab-adab for teachers and pupils taught by Islam in taking the learning process. So when the teachers and...
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