Overview of Heaven Beauty And Enjoyment

Mutiara Islam - If talking about and imagine how delicious the heavenly world has truly made this heart be excited and happy, but it is the limited knowledge we have, because of the beauty and pleasures of heaven is actually the knowledge of Allah. Although many reports describing heaven, it might merely gave the parable that heaven is a wonderful place and enjoy incomparable. So naturally, if heaven is only deserve to be given to those who believe it. Namely that run all the commands of Allah and stay away from all that is forbidden him.

Given the paradise that could not be described by human beings is perfectly until the Prophet asserted in the hadith Qudsi narrated by Abu Hurairah that "Allah says: 'I have prepared for the servants My righteous, what has never been seen eye, heard by ear, not even occurred to any human being. "(HR. Bukhari Muslim and Ahmad).

Not Experiencing Natural Process (Remove Hajat)
In the history of Jabir bin Abdullah, that he heard the Prophet said, "Indeed the people of Paradise eat and drink in it. But they do not spit, not urinate or defecate, and blew his nose. "The Companions asked," What (the effect of) food they eat? "He replied," Out of saltpeter that smells like the scent of musk. They always read the rosary and tahmid. "This hadith may serve as an illustration Bahwan in heaven there is only pleasure and convenience only.

Come With Glowing And married Angel
Narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said, "Verily, the first group to go to heaven (from my Ummah) glow like the moon on a full moon night. The delegation later brighter than the stars glittering (and then subsequently followed the other party). They do not urinate, and defecate. They did not throw snot and spit. Comb of gold, their sweat of musk and incense them from eaglewood fragrant. Their wives are angels. "

Strength intercourse Hundred Fold
From the hadith narrated by Tirmidzi from Anas bin Malik, stated that in heaven the believer will be given the strength of intercourse as much as a hundredfold, so that every time someone wants intercourse. This can be done without reducing the enjoyment and without causing boredom.

Heaven Lowest Anugerah World Ten Times
On this, the Prophet SAW said, narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra. "I know the last of the inhabitants of Hell will be excluded from it and the last of the people of Paradise will enter it. That person is someone who came out of Hell crawling with both knees and both hands.

Allah SWT. Will say to him, 'Go and go into heaven. "The man then went into heaven and thought that heaven was full. He came back and said, 'My Lord, I see heaven is full.' Allah said: 'Go and enter into heaven, because there you have something like the world, even ten times better than the world. The person said, 'Are you mocking me or laugh at me, but you are the master of everything? "

Abdullah bin Mas'ud saw the Prophet Muhammad. grinning to look behind her teeth. He often said, "That is the lowest status among the people of Paradise." (HR. Bukhari Muslim).

Subhanallah, even in the lowest level of any pleasure is not measurable with the pleasures of the world. Levels of heaven also depends on the good deeds a person, the higher the charity is done the higher the level, and vice versa. The highest pleasure received by the inhabitants of heaven, as mentioned in some hadith history of the people who can see the face of God in the morning and evening. Allah is the Greatest.

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