Tips on Choosing a Wife In Islam

Mutiara Islam  - In every marriage there are some things that must be considered, the following are tips Choosing wife in Islam is derived from the Book Qurratul Uyun.

1. What is the husband himself to be balanced with what is on the wife.

As word of the Prophet. "Marriage is like a slave (servant), then one of you should see where he should meletaakkan kemulyaannya. So do not marry him unless the man is balanced. "

That is balanced or nearly balanced. As for the things that must be balanced, in the opinion of the scholars include religion, nasab (offspring), the shape of her body, wealth, and jobs.

2. A husband in performing marriage should be with the intention to follow the Sunnah of the apostle, multiply the people of the Prophet, and did well in the lead family, directing his wife, keeping religion and expect offspring (children) pious prayers.

Prophet. He said: "Surely every charity depends on the intention, and indeed for each person according to what is intended."

While the things that must be considered on a self-wife is the absence of something that prevents marriage or still within the prescribed period of the previous husband, understand the meaning tergandung in two sentences creed, and embraced Islam. Prophet. said:

"A woman was married for wealth, beauty, nasab, and his religion, then let you marry a woman because of her religion, to see you happy."

Prophet. said: "He married a woman because of wealth and beauty, the wealth and beauty of the woman will be closed by Allah. And whoever is married to a woman because of his religion, then Allah will be member rizki the treasures and beauty of it. "

In another narration the Prophet. He said: "Do not marry a woman for her beauty, most likely because of her beauty she will fall into the valley of humiliation. And do not marry a woman from his property, most likely because of his wealth he will do meretricious (oblique). "

3. Be ye marry a good woman attitude.

Prophet said: "Ask refuge in Allah. Of cases hated. 'Asked,' Do things that are despised, O Messenger of Allah? 'He replied,' Case hated is:

1. Leaders who distort, who took and hinder your rights,
2. Neighbors were ugly, the eyes saw while his mengekangmu. If you see the good, he closed his eyes and after him, whereas if you look at the ugliness, he tried to show it,
3. Women who grow gray before their time. "

4. Women who marry not women infertile

Because the Prophet. He said: "Nikahlah you with a woman of sense of affection and is able to bear children that much, because actually I will boast of you in the presence of the large number of other people. And do not marry the old and barren woman. Because the real Muslim children under the shadows of the Throne. They were collected by his father, the Prophet Ibrahim, a lover of Allah. They begged forgiveness for their fathers. "

5. Women who marry should still virgin

Prophet. He said: "Should you get married to women who are still virgins. Because they are cleaner mouth, is facing her womb (more fertile period lust) and a better attitude. "

6. Women who are married to other people (no relation)
Prophet. He said: "Do not marry a woman who was a family connection. Because the child will be born underweight. "
Children born underweight because of weak orgasm. Different if the wife does not come from out of his own relatives. Therefore, women are still only capable of limited relative sense of power to turn on lust alone.

Hopefully uaraian above would be sufficient preparation to enter marriage. Only God was One who mastered taufik and guidance.

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