Grilled meat Ala Prophet Ibrahim AS

Mutiara Islam - "And verily Our messengers came to Ibrahim with the good news, they said, 'Greetings,' Abraham replied, 'Salam.' So not long after Ibrahim presenting veal that has been baked." (QS. Hud: 69 )

Sahabat Mutiara Islam glorified God, before we want to say "Happy Idul Adha 1436 H", hopefully all our deeds, be it a sacrificial worship and pilgrimage, is accepted by Allah SWT. Aamiin

Given this time we are still in an atmosphere of Eid al-Adha, then every Muslim is feeling Hopefully distributed sacrificial meat from the mosque or the mosque, and talk about the meat turns out there is a way of cooking / grilling meat is great and healthy. This is exemplified by the Prophet Ibrahim AS the following story.

On a sunny day, Abraham. sitting outside her home alone. He was thinking of his son Ishmael. who left Mecca with his mother, Hajar. Ibrahim longing to her first child is so profound. He wanted to meet with Ismail who struggle to live in far-off across the arid land.

A few time later, three angels (Gabriel, Israfil and Mikail) that change shape into three handsome young man came up to him. Their intentions are to convey the good news of Isaac's birth from the womb of Sarah, followed by the birth of Ya'qub. It is said that the age of 120 years at the time of Abraham and Sarah 99 years. But because of the angels disguised as humans, Abraham regard them as strangers from kuar city.

Abraham invited them to sit, and he met his wife. "Are there any foods that can be served?" Asked Ibrahim. "There is. Half of beef. "" Only half? Then slaughter the fat calf. They were special guests. They have no riding animals or food. Perhaps they are hungry. "

The meat was then baked, not cooked, so that mature faster and can be served.

Some commentators such as al-Biqa'i and ash-Sha'rawi admire roasting technique that was practiced by the Prophet Abraham at the time. According to al-Biqa'i, the meat was roasted with a sophisticated and healthy way. Once sliced ​​meat in a certain size, painting Biqa'i and young meat is placed on a stone which is above the fiery furnace. After the meat was weighted down with hot stones others, so that the fat meats that contain cholesterol pouring down during the roasting process.

Other commentators, ash-Sha'rawi, describes in more detail the three roasting commonly known to man that is on fire, over coals of charcoal, or in stone very fine burned with pie. The first two ways that could potentially reduce the quality of taste and cleanliness of the meat due to the elements contained in the iron and charcoal can stick to the meat. While the last way is the best way of grilling. Moreover, when the meat is placed on the hot stone more, the fat contained in it will be eroded.

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