4 Name of Heaven and Criteria The person who will occupy it

Mutiara Islam - Heaven is a place of return promised by Allah in the hereafter for people - people who are willing to spend the time in the world to do the deeds of pious deeds. This is explained by God in one of his word which means: "(Do) parable (occupant) Jannah promised to people - people who fear that in it there is a river - a river of water that is not changing the taste and smell, the river - the river of milk that does not change the taste, rivers - rivers of wine delicious drink it, and rivers - rivers of honey is filtered; and they get in it all kinds of fruit - fruit and forgiveness from their Lord, together with the eternal in Hell and given drinks with boiling water so that the cut intestines? "(Surah Muhammad verse: 15).

Here are Some Names Heaven and Criteria The person who will occupy it

1. Heaven Firdaus
Heaven first name is Heaven Paradise. Gardens of Paradise is a paradise promised by God to people - people who like to do a variety of pious deeds. This is explained in one word of Allah which means: "Those - those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are the Gardens of Paradise a place to live." (QS. Al-Kahf Verse: 107).

2. Heaven 'Eternity
Name of Heaven second is Heaven 'Eternity. Heaven 'Eternity is a paradise that deliberately cater to people - people who persisted in fulfilling all the promises he spoke to God with as well - good compliance. It is like what is described in one of his word Allah which means: "(They are) people - those who fulfill the promise of Allah and do not break the agreement; and the people - those who join what - what God has commanded to be joined, and they fear their Lord and fear the evil Reckoning. "(QS. Ar-Ra'd verse: 20-21).

3. Heaven Darussalam
Name of Heaven to three are Heaven Darussalam. Heaven Darussalam is a paradise promised by God to his people to take heed of what - what had been warned of God to man. Explanation of heaven is delivered by God in one of his word which means: "And this is the path of God: (street) straight. Indeed, We have explained paragraph - paragraph (us) kepaa people - people who take heed; for them (provided) Darussalam (heaven) on the side of the Lord and He is their protector due to charity - good deeds they have done. (QS. Al-An'am Verse: 127).

4. Paradise Darul Muqamah
Name of Heaven to four is Heaven Darul Muqamah. Darul Muqamah Heaven is a paradise that is intentionally provided by God to His people who are good grateful. Explanation of Heaven there in Surah Fatir verse 34-35 which means: "And they say: Praise be to Allah who has removed grief from us. The Lord is our right - is Oft-Forgiving, Most Responsive; which put us in a place of eternal (heaven) of His bounty; therein we not feel tired and there were not also feel sluggish (QS: Faathhir Verses 34-35).

That's 4 name Heaven later maybe we will meet in the afterlife. Hopefully by knowing this information, we can increase our faith becomes better so that we can meet the criteria of people - people who can enter heaven above 4. Aamiin ya Rabb ..

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