Tips for Keeping Harmony with in-laws

Mutiara Islam - As the newly married couples to start life ark most households can not live an independent life, they need parents to help both in terms of daily needs - day moreover, a place to stay. When living with biological parents may not be too awkward for a child, but to a different law tastes and needs adjustment. Here are tips to maintain harmony with the laws that we edit the magazine Hidayah February 2006.

1. Do not easy to take the matter out of the house
No matter how serious the problems facing couples, as long as it does not interfere aqidah and does not contain elements of physical and mental mistreatment, can still be resolved between them. Do not easily return to the old people's home because it can actually complicate matters.

2. Consider in-law like her own parents
A husband or wife should treat laws like the parents themselves. And be obedient child. If marriage is only based on a sense of love for his child and ignore the parents, then such marriages would be easily shaken by storms households.

3. Positive thinking
Do not suspect excessive law. However, parents do not want to see her child miserable. Moreover, the parents of a wife who was always concerned about her daughter in the early days of her marriage. In-law wives also do not suspect excessive because actually nothing more sinister than a suspicion itself.

4. Try to avoid things that displease law
Everyone has different customs and tendencies. Try to always fun-in-law to show compassion and understanding towards them.

5. Always guided by religion
This is important, especially when the wife, the husband and in-laws suffered a sharp disagreement. While still wearing the emotions and passions, disharmony between them would worsen and it is not impossible, ended in divorce on the will of the parents.

6. Ugliness husband or wife is not for sale.
It often happens husband or wife tells the ugly nature of their spouses to parents, relatives and friends. Instead of giving a solution, many parents respond to another outpouring of the heart that we say.

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