Evidently !!! Also Fat Healthy Loh

Mutiara Islam - In celebrating the feast day feels incomplete if it does not present a special food menu, especially when Eid al-Adha, which is celebrated every Muslim always makes the cuisine that comes from beef or mutton. Some are presented in the form of curry goat, or rending flesh. So do not be surprised if Eid is over many people who feel health problems. This is due to excessive appetite.

Each meat indeed many of which contain fat. If consumed in excess will affect your mood. But not forever fats are bad, sometimes we still need the intake of fat in the body, because fat can help the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K, nerve transmission, and maintain the integrity of cell membranes in our bodies.

In foods, fat energy members as much as 9 calories / gram, flavor, aroma, and texture better and provide a sense of satiety. Of fat consumed is single fat, which is found in peanuts, olives, oil and Kalona. This oil can lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Aside from being a source of protein, fats derived from nuts are a source of fiber and phytochemicals thought to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

In addition to the nuts, fish also have good fat, especially salmon and mackerel, as these fish contain omega-3 fatty acids are very high. These substances are well taken, especially for those who have high cholesterol.

In other respects, the animal fats, coconut oil and palm oil, also used oil (cooking) are found in saturated fat, the fat contained in each carbon atom of hydrogen. This type of fat consumed in excess is not good because it tends to raise bad cholesterol.

But animal fat derived from animals it also has benefits in the body. Prophet Muhammad also allowed to eat it. In a hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Mughaffal that he told me: "On the day of the battle of Khaibar, there is a bag of lard (a type of fat) hanging before me. I also hugged him and said: "I will not give it to anyone." I turned, suddenly I saw the Prophet was laughing, not saying a word. The hadith suggests that the Messenger allow lard.

Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah in his book entitled Treatment Methods Prophet said that the best lard or fat is derived from animals perfect. Nature hot and humid, more humid than cumin oil and fat burned to melt lard, fat gajihlah were first frozen back.

In the book it is written that, nutritious eliminate fat lard throat disorders, respiratory relief, but it can become rancid. It can be removed with lemon juice, salt and ginger. Fat lard old goat can help digestion and intestinal berkhsiat treat wounds. However, the lard in an old male goat stronger again, it can be used as an injectable drug to treat blisters.

High-fat foods are often avoided because it can cause disease, such as obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease. However, if it is consumed by the needs of all will do good, because all vital body substances, including fat. In the body fat is part of every cell, particularly the brain and nerve cells, as well as energy reserves. In addition, fat is required for the formation of hormones, bile, as regulating body temperature, organ protective, lubricating (in the joints and eyes).

Then on the day of Eid is usually there are many tempting food, we should be able to refrain from eating fatty foods in excess. With the aim that the health of our bodies are not violated. Allaah knows best.

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