Divorce!!! Emergency doors were hated God

Mutiara Islam - A life full of happiness household and spiritual birth is the dream of every couple. Because that's the main purpose of a marriage. But in reality, not all couples can achieve this dream. Perhaps the early days of marriage, they can be happy, but often the happiness lasted only a moment, if each individual can not be tolerant to their partner.

Prof. DR. H. Dadang Hawari says, the early days in the foster home is a vulnerable time of the divorce. He argues, in the first five years of life sebuha household is a critical period. If in the first five years of each pair can be passed over lightly, Insha Allah during those years can then be passed more easily.

Why is that? The early days of domestic life is ta'aruf real time with our spouses. Maybe when courting or ta'aruf before marriage, everyone would show his best trait, and cover up his vices are believed to interfere with their relationships, so that each individual is only able to see the advantages of a prospective spouse, regardless of its shortcomings.

When the two entered the marriage, start out the original nature of each individual who had always hidden. For some people, it may not be a serious problem, due to the strong commitment and of course with a high tolerance, it can be passed through easily. However, for the other partner, with the opening of the properties of the less common ones he received from his partner, this can cause a sense of shock and great psychological pressure. At this moment, a wonderful honeymoon slowly fade, become long days filled with inner pressure.

If it is so, let alone to be crossed in mind other than divorce? Divorce has become the only way for people who are not able to make peace with himself, and imprisoned with a big ego. Whereas in this situation, the actual divorce can still be avoided, if individuals want to be tolerant, to accept all the shortcomings partner and together trying to improve themselves.

In Islam, divorce is allowed, especially in emergencies. For example, if we are married couple who turn out like commit acts of domestic violence (domestic violence), or invite moved in or out of the religion of Islam or anything else that can cause great harm that can not be repaired anymore. At this moment the divorce can be an emergency door that may be passed.

However, if the issue is simply a trivial issue, and not a serious problem, for what we are adamant choose divorce? Why do not we trying to fix? If there is still another door filled with reward and grace, why do we have to open the emergency exit hated by God? Divorce is the emergency exit hated by God.

Rasulullah SAW said, "The case of the most hated halal God is talaq (divorce)." (HR. Abu Daud and Ahmad).

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