History of Fabrics Gloves in Indonesia

Mutiara Islam - Function sarong today has become a culture in Indonesia, especially for the Muslims. In some religious activities such as praying in congregation in the mosque, or when there is an invitation tasyakuran, it does not complete if you do not wear a sarong, no feeling less comfortable when wearing only trousers to cover the body from the navel to the knees.

Culture wearing gloves, in some places like boarding schools salaf even be a compulsory subject, especially students son. At bedtime, prayers, even when playing football, this fabric still attached to their bodies. Rural and urban areas today, the sarong has become comfortable clothing for everyday when at home.

According to historical records, a sarong originated from the Indian State. The entry of this fabric as textile and clothing traditions of the Malays started since the first century AD. When the Malay kingdoms conduct trade relations with the kingdoms dibelahan Asia, including India and China kingdom.

Sriwijaya Kingdom, for example, often exchanging metal material and processed forest with cotton fabrics from India. These trade relations were finally introduced to the public Malay sarong specifically brought by Muslim traders, the development of this tradition had been developed to enter the 2nd century AD.

Sumatera Songket
Currently, the long cloth that all these interlocking edges, often become one of the models dress trend. Kind is very diverse, because they represent areas maker. For example sheath coming from Sumatra is known as Songket, or from Lampung Lampung Tapis known. Songket or Tapis is usually made of a rather stiff, filled with golden thread, and is usually combined with a scarf or shirt brackets.

In addition to the type of gloves coming from Sumatra, in other areas were also has its own peculiar. Call it a silk sarong Samarinda are probably already familiar we read on the bottom end of the sheath. Or type of batik sarongs from Java, as well as other types of gloves.

Mutiara Islam companions may be familiar if you see a glove that plaid, because the motive is the most familiar to the general public. However, over time, mode sarong has flourished and become a trend in the fashion world. Currently worn motif are very diverse, ranging from flower motifs dominated by the color green, some are patterned plain, even some that shaped striped like military clothing.

This may not be a problem when the appropriate manner of shari'ah and moderation. So as not to cause an element of showing off (riya ') or boast-megahan to others. If all things in place in place, it will cause a sense of comfort for the user as well as the viewer. Then use gloves to Worship purposes or other purposes that has benefits both in keaagaman activities and in the general community activities.

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